Thursday, February 11, 2010

First of all....

Hello all, I have been inspired!!

After watching the movie Julie & Julia, I have been inspired to keep a blog of all my cooking experiments and recipes. And yes, I will also be posting those disasters that don't turn out quite how I expect them too.

Unlike the movie, I don't plan to cook a recipe per day from a specified book, but any that are not my own I will reference as best I can, and of course include the recipe for those who find the picture to scrumptious to resist!!

I hope you all enjoy following me along this journey. I have been cooking for a couple of years and am known among my circle of friends for my baking. But don't be fooled, I can also cook actual food!!

So enjoy flicking through (well once I actually get some recipes up here) and feel free to let me know of anything that you like or dislike or definitely pass along some tips!!

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